My #1, best tip for self care for empaths, energetically sensitive people and budding psychics

Surprise! It’s not meditation. Although I do strongly believe in the benefits of meditation, this tip is something you can physically do to care for yourself during times of hardship, intensity and as a regular practice to balance and align your energy. And you probably already have the necessary items in your home so you can use this method today!

All you need is salt and a bath full of warm water.

Many have heard of salt baths for it’s various health and wellness benefits. However, there are many concoctions, salts and directions out there to choose from. This is a useful guide on the basics of creating and taking a salt bath to support anyone who may be highly sensitive to energetic imprints.

Empathic people or energetically sensitive people often take on energy from other people, places and things unknowingly. Empathy and sensitivity are wonderful gifts. At times these gifts can also weigh on you or feel heavy. For any person who identifies with these traits I would recommend taking at least 1 salt bath per week. During times of stress or hardship, if you live with other people or primarily use public transportation and if you provide any type of spiritual service I suggest taking a salt bath 1 to 3 times per week.

So what kind of salt do you use? That’s the beauty of this tool. You can use any type of salt you have available, including table salt. Just use a pure salt, not a salt with any kind of added flavor or cooking ingredients, etc. As you experiment with types of salts you may find you prefer one type over the others. If you’re just starting with salt baths I would highly suggest using natural sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. You can find these easily at your local grocery store and will not have to go to a holistic or spiritual shop to get this making it easy and quick to put together. Other salts you may enjoy are Epsom salts, Dead Sea Salt and salts with added vitamin E for soft skin.

I suggest adding at least 1 cup of salt to a full, warm bath. Salt must be combined with warm water to dissolve. If you’re salt isn’t dissolving you may need to increase the temperature of your bath. You may add more salt if you prefer. 1 to 3 cups of salt is sufficient and as you continue to use these baths you will get to know what works best for you.

To receive the benefits of your salt bath to support you energetically you need only get in the bath and submerge your entire body. I suggest staying in for at least 15 minutes, but you will benefit from just submerging yourself quickly if that’s all you have time for or if that’s all you can tolerate. If you are also using the bath as a way of easing physical pain or discomfort it’s advisable to spend at least 20 minutes in the salt bath.

Let yourself relax and enjoy this time. Spend as much time in the bath as you would like. Engage your intuition and listen to what your body and soul want. If they want 30 minutes, give them 30 minutes. If you need 60 minutes, take 60 minutes. If you only have 10 minutes but you’re feeling overwhelmed with energies, take 10 minutes.

At the end of your bath you may let the water drain as you continue to lay in the tub. Let the water take with it any energy that doesn’t belong to you. These energies are flowing back to the universe to be recycled and you can get back to feeling like just yourself.

You may get out of the tub and air dry without rinsing. This will leave a very light layer of salt on your skin. By retaining this salt layer on your body you will not have a buffer between you and any energies you encounter. This heightens your vibration and helps you to be in touch with higher frequency energy. These high frequency energies support you and give you strength.

If you’re looking for a purely cleansing effect, after the water has drained from your tub you may rinse or shower as usual. You may find that as you use tools such as a salt bath and other protective measures to shield your energy you may begin to prefer or rely more heavily on the cleansing uses of salt and salt baths.

What are you waiting for? Get in your salt bath today!


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