Dealing with entities, attachments and low vibe energies - Mediumship and Psychic Development
In this article I will focus on ways to protect yourself and your space from low vibrational energies, entities and spiritual attachments. I won’t focus much on how these energies or entities found their way into your life or your space, but it is common for people who are mediums or energetically sensitive or clairvoyantly gifted to find themselves in contact with these types of energies. This may be due to the fact that you’re inner soul is shining like a bright beacon or lighthouse. Your inner light will attract many high vibrational energies and people into your life. But, at times, the light also may attract something a little darker. For others, you may feel you have been the target of black magic or a curse, etc. With good spiritual hygiene and some helpful tips you can keep these energies at bay or out of your life. It’s nothing to be fearful of. Just something to be educated about.
In the spiritual community there is a lot of focus on aesthetically pleasing spiritual practices. And why wouldn’t there be? Everyone loves something that is beautiful and adds to the overall vibe of your home or space. I too believe in these well known practices for cleansing, clearing and protection. But I am here to tell you about the lesser known, and significantly less glamorous ways to ensure your space stays sacred and your vibe stays high. (Good news is that these tips are absolutely free!)
I do have theories about why these tips are effective. However, you do not have to be a believer in my theory. You can try these tips out yourself and see why you think they are effective.
Unplug them when not in use and especially at night and in your bedroom.
We all have a surge protector. Most of us leave them on all the time. We purchase them, plug them in and connect our computers, internet and a menagerie of other cords and then we forget about them. All the while they may act as a power source for energies who are looking to cause a little drama in your space.
We’ve all seen movies where an entity may use electricity to turn lights on and off when no one is in the room or turns on the tv. And if you’ve watched ghost hunting shows you know it’s fairly common for ghosts or entities to frequent places that are old, with old wiring. The premise of this tip is that energies, low vibrational and otherwise, get used to the flow of energy in a house or the place you live over time. During that time lower vibrational energies search for energy sources that are ignored and if these energy sources were to be manipulated you’d likely never take notice. Out of sight, out of mind. With that in mind, the surge protector is always on and always a source for a little extra juice. Most often they even come with a jarring orange light that is always on to let you know the power is on. This light on it’s own can be a source of disruption to your eyes and when you are asleep can disrupt your REM cycle. Now add in a pesky entity who, lets say, likes to move in front of that light and you have a recipe for a nightmare and unrestful sleep. There are other ways a specific energy or entity may engage with the power source depending on it’s nature, but for the purposes of this article I will keep the explanation brief.
So why not just turn it off? Of course if you have electronics that must be left on overnight it may be wise to keep these out of the bedroom. I find that when unnecessary sources of power or light are turned off (especially at night) this really helps remove some of the frequencies that may be causing unacknowledged agitation. If you are someone who identifies as clairaudient, as you strengthen your abilities you will begin to identify different layers of frequencies in your home. Turing off some of these power sources will cause a shift or change in the frequencies you were previously used to. Try it out for yourself and see if you can “hear” the change. The less layers of unnecessary energetic frequencies the better. This helps your mind to relax and it also helps your mind not to matrix these frequencies into something they really aren’t. Likewise, no lower vibrational energies can manipulate these frequencies and use them to change your environment.
Energies that thrive on these types of manipulation tactics are not strong on their own. This is a helpful reminder. There is no need to attribute more power to the source of irritation in your household.
Removing old wiring from telephone or cable service that is obsolete.
How many of you have an unsightly power box leftover from the days of the landline telephone? Or a power box for cable when you don’t have cable service and rely on your internet for tv and entertainment? That’s most of us. But many of us will inhabit a home that still has this wiring partially intact. No, it is not connected to anything anymore, but it still remains as part of your home.
Residual energy may still be present in these wires. The subtle frequency that can emanate from an obsolete service such as land line phone wiring can be a source of irritation or discomfort. After all, most of us will remember that right before cell phones became the standard way of communication many people were hounded by bill collectors and scam calls in the last days of the landline. The landline telephone became a source of anxiety for many. This projected anxiety may still remain associated with the remnants of the old phone system. The same goes for old cable wiring and cable boxes. Before it was common to use your internet provider for your tv and entertainment, many people were plagued by unfair pricing and ever increasing charges to their cable bill. These cable boxes may also have projected energy or residual energy residing within the leftover electrical components.
These are likely leftover from a previous owner, meaning these projected energies of anxiety never had anything to do with you personally. These wires or cables also may still be interconnected to the other houses close you, giving an access point to lower vibrational energies that may be present outside of your household. If you have protections in place around your home or your space, this is can be a backdoor for unwanted or uninvited energies to enter your home. These lower vibrational energies or entities may use the wiring to create or manipulate frequencies. This wiring was made to carry information and the technology is very old. Once there is no longer a power source or conscious information being sent through these cable and wire it makes for a perfect place for lower vibrational energy to plug in and send their own information (to some degree). And the residual vibrations in this wiring may become activated again for one reason or another. Much like the power strip, these cables and wiring most likely goes unnoticed and ignored making it a good target for any energies looking for a source they can use to make their presence known while retaining their anonymity.
So what can you do? Do your work to make sure this wiring is no longer connected to a power source. Look up how to safely remove the cable or telephone box online. There are many helpful guides and videos. Again, once this is removed, connect to your inner senses and see if you feel a shift or hear a change in the frequency in your home. This is a great one to help with nightmares specifically.
If you disconnect the cable that was connected to your cable or telephone box and have removed as much of it from your yard as is possible to safely do, you can place a large crystal on top of the cut wire. This will help any residual energies or otherwise to be transmuted into a light. This is not a necessary step but for those who are very sensitive to energies may find this to be a helpful, final step in this process.
Add more life force energy to your space
Adding houseplants to your space gives an uplifting and high vibration frequency to your home. Many houseplants like cactus, spider plants and others are said to be very protective. Take care of your plants and they will take care of you.
So how does it work? Having living houseplants in your space means there is another producer of life force energy besides yourself. This tip is helpful for anyone, but is especially powerful for those who live alone. When you are the only living being in your household, you are easy to detect as the sole source of lifeforce energy. If you feel that you are dealing with lower vibrational energy or attachments, adding a houseplant can confuse the source of this low vibing energy. As previously stated, these lower vibrational beings are not powerful on their own and their consciousness is not very evolved, if at all. If the entity has been sent to attack the life force energy of the person living in a home, with house plants involved now there are several life sources to investigate and all that investigating takes time and energy. It takes the focus off of you and essentially gives you a way to conceal your energy from unwanted or uninvited energetic guests.
Houseplants will also change the vibrational frequency of your home. Making your own space high vibrational through a combination of spiritual practices and life force energy actually can make the space become inhabitable to certain lower frequency beings.
Side note: Gnats or small bugs in the home are often associated with or are commonly said to be signs of dark magick or being afflicted with a curse. What else is associated with gnats? Soil and houseplants! It is almost impossible to find and purchase potting soil at a store that is not infested with gnat eggs. It just comes with the territory. You can make a homemade insecticidal spray that will make it so the gnats eggs cannot hatch. Google castile soap spray for plants and find the recipe that is right for you. If you’ve added houseplants to your space to uplift your home and protect yourself but then find that you have gnats, this is the likely and logical conclusion to why this has taken place, nothing more.
I hope that you have found these tips helpful and they assist you in making a comfortable energetic space for you to heal and regenerate so you can continue to shine your light out to the world!
Looking for more helpful tips on dealing with these types of energies? Check out my follow up blog about Psychic Protection Here