Lion’s Gate Portal and the Perseids Meteor Shower 2020: A Time of Ascension


Every Year on August 8th The 8/8 Lion’s gate Portal opens. This is when the fixed star Sirius aligns with the earth. This alignment happens when the Sun is in the sign of Leo, giving the Portal it’s name. Also coinciding with this astrological event is the constellation of Orion lining up perfectly with the Pyramids of Giza. These astrological events have been tracked and celebrated for many thousands of years.

With times being so modern, the year 2020 is the perfect time to open your inner senses and connect with your intuition to guide you in seeing into the mystery of life through this Sacred Portal.

The Lion’s gate opens at the end of July and many Lightworkers, Starseeds and people with various clairvoyant abilities will notice the energies of the Collective Consciousness heating up. Some people may experience an almost chaotic frenzy of energy and frequencies surrounding their home, neighborhood and on depending on the person’s energetic reach. The interesting thing about this type of energy at this specific time of year is this frenzy of emotion or energy is likely to be just outside yourself. It may feel a bit like virtual reality or watching drama on television. The veil between realms is very thin going into August and this adds to these sort of almost removed feelings.

If you are on a particularly spiritual path or journey, the month of August may present a series of challenges or “tests” to you. It also may be at this time you find it more easy than normal to discern these tests taking place. This is due to the access you have now to higher dimensions and higher dimensional beings. If you are actively working on your spiritual growth and connection to higher vibrational consciousness these energies will assist you in this time when there is also much unrest taking place on the 3rd dimensional plane of existence.

Just as your sensitivities and abilities become highly attuned at this Gateway, lower vibration energies can become frenzied and chaotic due to the increase of light energy available on the planet. As you accept and integrate the light energy and light codes streaming down from this Cosmic Gateway your own vibrational frequency will rise. It’s likely that your higher frequency vibration will begin to influence other things around you, your home, the people in your home, the land your home is built on and expands out exponentially. When this type of frequency tuning takes place it can make lower vibrational energy glaringly obvious. Know that this is a gift, to see this energy in this way. This is a time where you are able to rapidly ascend in your abilities, skills and discernment through feedback and cause and effect occurring at a rapid rate. When the cosmic energy surrounding the earth is at a more restful state manifestations of all kinds can take months. During the Lion’s Gate Portal manifestations may take place and complete within a matter of days.

This year 2020 and subsequently the Lion’s Gate Portal feel more intense and amplified than the few years previous. Many Starseeds and Lightworkers were activated to their Soul Mission or calling in 2017. And these same people who felt mystical changes taking place in their consciousness and DNA in 2017 have likely felt each Lion’s Gate to be very intense energetically since. However, we are all aware of the unprecedented circumstances historically unique to the year 2020. With things getting so real… many of you are being further activated and pushed into your Soul’s calling and putting that calling into action. So the chaos of 2020 is increased by the Pandemic, increasing natural disasters due to Climate Change, glaring inequality of minority people’s and America a highly charged and divisive political climate compounded by fear. The chaos is amplified. The light is also amplified.

Because of this increase and amplification in duality, the 8/8 Portal Date has gained a lot of popularity on Social Media this year. More and more people are reaching out to understand what they already sense in the ethers. A powerful time for change, action and ultimately alchemy.

Lesser talked about than the Lion’s Gate Portal is the Perseid Meteor Shower. This cosmic event also happens each year from July 17th to August 24th. The peak of the Shower is on August 12th with best viewing in 2020 on August 11th and 12th. The Persieds brings with it infinite mysterious wisdom. This is a powerful and mystical time on the planet with increased energy of galactic communication through natural sources and symbols. It’s likely you will notice animals in your path. If you resist the urge to pass these encounters off as just a coincidence you will notice a certain call to look more deeply into the interaction you have with any of nature’s creatures. Many birds are also in a state of change in their plumage. Another spiritual sign you may see showing up in your life is finding feathers or even animal fur or bones. The Universe and Gaia are encouraging you to engage your intuition to see the signs and to investigate what the earth and your Spirit Guides are trying to convey to you. As a Psychic Medium I personally find that during the Perseid Meteor Shower communication from and with the Spirits of those who have passed on from this life are frequent and strong. Some of the signs you receive in nature may be in reference to this type of communication as well. Spirits and energy of all kinds surrounds each and every one of us. While it may not be everyone’s mission or even preference to interact with these energies or entities, their ability to contact anyone is increased during this time.

It is my belief that Comets and Asteroids carry with them a sort of sling shot energy. They pick up information and frequencies as they travel through space, acting as a sort of energetic transmitter. Much of the information these cosmic messengers bring with them is new and creates an environment of expansive thought. They also can bring with them the energy of the past. Sometimes this energy reflected back is from our own past from this lifetime, but on certain years it seems that more energy is reflected of another lifetime or timeline. With the comet NEOWISE blessing our skies this year for the first time (it is newly discovered) it seems the very ancient past has been reactivated for our continued advancement and ascension. Timelines showing up in the collective conscious are from as recent as 1900 and as ancient as the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. I believe that the Ancient Egyptian Obelisks from this time-frame have been newly activated in the year 2020. This activation began with the series of eclipses earlier this year and continues to strengthen through the Lion’s Gate Portal and the Perseid Meteor Shower.

The energies of transformation at this pivotal time in history are bringing in teachings about alchemy, extraterrestrials (extradimensionals), healing and DNA activation. Also being triggered in the Collective is the duality of black and white thinking, especially in regards to spirituality. We are all being called to ascend above what is “right” or “wrong” in spiritual practice, perhaps ascend above what is considered dark magic or light magic for some, and to rest in a place of higher vibrational existence. Seeing from above, as it were. Some may reference this state of being as Christ Consciousness, or just Oneness.

In this great Gateway that has opened once again in 2020, we as a collective are getting increasingly closer to understanding our reality in a new way. Seeing existence form a new, higher perspective. From this place those who have chosen to take on this journey of Ascension will be able to make profound change through accessing different dimensional planes with the assistance of their Team in Spirit. The ability to heal deep ancestral wounds or karma is also energized and assisted.

Soul Family or Soul Tribe is also coming for many in the collective. While the spiritual journey is an individual path, the longing for connectivity and the ability to be further activated through meeting with another enlightened being is greatly desired by the Collective. We are transcending out of the space where individuality in our spiritual practice is not exactly necessary. Isolation or inner work is not the focus of the lesson on earth any longer. It remains to be seen how this connectivity will play out, but a big activation is coming in for the planet that is going to lead people who need to be together to be able to be together. Whether we meet each other on the astral plane or in 3D waking reality, the loneliness the Collective of many Lightworkers and Starseeds is coming to an end.

Keep note of the symbols and signs you are seeing. It is a good practice at this time to keep a dream journal. It is surprising the detail that comes out when you write down your dreams immediately after waking. You may consciously feel that your writing will be incoherent at this time, however your filter will be thin and you will end up recanting detail that will astonish you later in the day or week. It is likely to teach you something about your own psychic or clairvoyant abilities as well. Meditations that assist you in accessing your higher guides and Team in Spirit is also suggested so that you feel supported and safe to do your spiritual work at this time. While the atmosphere for many years had felt unsafe to be seen or heard as a lightworker this is rapidly changing.

You are safe. It is safe to do your work. It is safe for you to explore your consciousness. The universe supports you in this. And as you expand you will find more energies beyond your wildest dreams that are there to support your ascension process.

Check out my Collective Reading for more information below.


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