Twin Flame channeling and forecast reading for June 2020
As I was preparing to do a June forecast reading for Twin Flames I unexpectedly received a channeled song. The song is “Everybody wants to rule the world” by Tears for Fears. Read the lyrics below as the messages can be taken quite literally to describe your counterpart’s situation, be it Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine. Based on some other signs I received from Spirit, I would say this perspective is mainly that of Divine Masculine, however there are elements of the song that relate to both and the current state of the world at large.
Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find You acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the most Of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the world
Say that you'll never, never, never, need it
One headline, why believe it?
Everybody wants to rule the world
All for freedom and for pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
So, what can we take from this?
Divine Masculine is ascending. He’s “waking up” and there is no turning back. He may also be doing dream work or communing with the Divine Feminine in the dream space. But it seems this dream work is becoming more conscious now. Conscious enough for DM to be thinking about how he comes off in the 5D or trying to control it.
Perhaps whatever has caused a separation between DM and DF (or rather what has caused the soul to be split) seems to have been to go against the natural order. This is a general reading, but anything that causes any of us to be less than our complete and Divine selves is ultimately going against nature. Going against nature can also signify breaking up, abandoning the counterpart, trying to pretend the connection doesn’t exist or have higher meaning, etc. etc. etc.
To further bring home the above mentioned point, DM states this situation is by his own design. He chose to try to control something he could not, by nature. But has created his own world, additional relationships, maybe even marriages. And it’s his own remorse. He is responsible, he feels, for his unhappiness at this time.
He’s looking for help to make his decision about what next steps to take. His heart is calling him to his counterpart, but he has a whole other life he’s responsible for. And he may not be deeply unhappy, but he does not feel complete. In his higher aspect DM is looking for Divine Guidance about the decision to reach out to DF in the 3D. In his lower aspect he’s asking DF to come forward and help him to decide if he should leave his current situation.
It can’t be avoided that right now we are going through a global pandemic. With Covid-19 Both DM and DF are thinking of their counterpart and also thinking of the shelf life on this life. Crisis like these do serve to encourage the entire population to think about their life and how fulfilled they are and how fulfilled they want to be moving forward.
It seems highly likely one or both counterparts are married to other partners. Married with a lack of vision to be specific. It’s important to note that this statement starts to get a little judgey if I’m being completely honest.
DM is wishing he didn’t have to think about these things right now. Normally he doens’t “need it”. But with so much fear and uncertainty in the general collective energies, and the realization that we can pass on from this life at any moment, with higher chances during certain situations, DM finds himself unable to push away the feelings or thoughts about how he regrets not being in union. And that he may have missed his chance.
Let’s be totally honest here, and a little more modern. DM probably is also thinking about his choice of quarantine partner, and possibly wishing it was someone different… If you have to stay home all day and do what adults do….
Ok, now to the bigger picture of what this all tells me. Twin Flames come into union to do sacred work in the world. Much of this work is on our inner selves. But it’s also possible that each Twin Flame union has a more physical, 3D mission to carry out too. At this time in our history things are rapidly changing. All kinds of things. And there’s all kinds of things to “fight” for. Environmental causes, Civil Rights causes, political causes, and on and on. Many of us have been encouraged to take this time of quarantine or lock down to reflect. It’s kind of hard not to. And many of us will come out of this being more aligned than ever with pure vision and passion to take on our soul’s mission. I believe both DM and DF are doing this internal work. The shadow work. But also the work of taking their individual power back.
It’s easier, or maybe more comfortable to take on your soul’s mission with the support of your Twin. If you know your soul’s mission it’s likely your Twin helped you identify it, either through acting as a mirror or triggering you or just from the encouragement and comfort that comes from someone knowing you in more than one dimension or time in history. But many Twins are not in union currently. Many Twins question if they will be in union in this lifetime.
And obviously there are some problems going on in the world. Tears for Fears wrote this song during the Cold War era when tensions between Russia (The Soviet Union) and the United States was at it’s peak. During the last US election there was “Russian Interference”, and the next US election is quickly approaching. I’d say there is certainly always some form of tension between the US and Russia, but it’s particularly a strange situation and seemingly unstable at this time. Many global organizations and powers are clashing over how to handle the pandemic and many citizens of the world feel out of control of what happens to them if they get the virus and certainly don’t feel in control about how their individual government is handling it. It’s an unprecedented time.
And in the background, just as always, the nations are jockeying to rule the world. We may be less privy to those functions than normal due to the overwhelm of news to go around.
So how do we muster the strength to take back our power, as individuals, while also acknowledging we are not supremely in control? How do we move forward on or towards our soul’s mission while in separation? Or in Union for that matter? Stay tuned for more… It seems like this will be a main theme of June 2020 for Twin Flames, and also for humanity.