Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing A Great Horned Owl- What Does The Owl Symbolize?

The Great Horned Owl is a HUGE spiritual sign. Literally. The Great Horned Owl is the largest Owl in North America. If you’ve had an encounter with a Great Horned Owl, either by seeing one, or hearing one, Spirit has come to deliver you a message. And just like the intimidating size of the Owl, the message is not subtle. When Great Horned Owl swoops in to your life, you notice it. The meaning behind your experience may be complex, but it is not small. That’s for sure.

You Were Chosen

Owl energy is very complex, sometimes secretive, and many things have been said about them and what their entry into your life may mean. And as such, it’s a huge gift and blessing that you had your meeting with the Great Horned Owl. You’ve already had insights to this creature of the night, that others may never experience. It’s one of the cool things about Owl energy! While they may be above us always, we also may never see, or hear them. That is one of their special attributes afterall. The Great Horned Owl has specially shaped and structured feathers that make them almost completely silent in flight. They are known to be silent watchers in the night and are even more reclusive and hidden during the day. So if Great Horned Owl has stepped in to your awarness and waking life, the Spirit chose you to see it.

A Divine Intervention

Go ahead. Feel special. It is completely possible that the energy behind the meaning of your encounter with the Great Horned Owl is that Spirit wants you to feel seen. Witnessed. Wants you to feel that your time with the Owl was so special, so mystical, that you know your being is seen by something greater than yourself.

The meaning of seeing the Great Horned Owl can be a confirmation from Spirit, that yes, there is something more. What you’ve been sensing is truly there. Sometimes the confirmation we need at a certain time in our Spiritual growth cannot be given to us by another human being. Sometimes we need to feel the wild, primal power that exists in the animal kingdom, and see that it too is guided by this Higher Source. The Great Horned Owl’s energy is wildly free, it is an animal that has no natural predators above it. Yet, when you’ve been lucky enough to be visited by one, you can’t help but recognize something brought it there to be with you.

Dive Deep

The Great Horned Owl can be here to ask you to dive more deeply in to that feeling. Part of experiencing a Great Horned Owl has to do with these feelings you may have while it is there with you or when you hear it’s familiar call. Telepathy, in some fashion, is likely to be with these Owls. And if one lets in the energy of the Great Horned Owl, it is possible to download messages or information about why this encounter is taking place. It can feel uncomfortable, because the energy is teaching you how to fully engage in your extra sensory abilities. While the Great Horned Owl can see through the darkness, this is not its only advantage to locating prey. Much of their locating of their abundance has to do with their famous hearing.

What are you hearing as you embrace your next encounter with the Great Horned Owl? What are you hearing or sensing now, when you look back at the memory of when you saw or heard the Great Horned Owl?

Connection with Extrasensory Abilities

The energy and messages of the Great Horned Owl may come to you at a later time. Another key to unlocking your Owl message is patiently listening, knowing that the Owl’s communication sometimes takes time for your Higher Mind to process. And it is completely likely that there may be a future event or trigger that takes place in the coming days that all the sudden makes it all clear. This too is in the nature of the Owl. For while the Owl is working, others are sleeping. In a way, the work the Great Horned Owl does at night can feel like it happened in the future. Those who have abilities relating to visions of the future and mediumship may resonate with the Great Horned Owl’s energy strongly. These people can relate with the Owl’s abilities, that give them extreme advantages, but can also at times result in solitary periods. This is because they may find themselves doing things differently than what may be considered the norm.

People who are followed by the Great Horned Owl Spirit may find that, over time, the key to their success is in their eventual learning of harnessing such a big, but different, energy.

A Guide When You Have Lost Your Way

The Great Horned Owl can resonate with those who may feel lost, or like they’ve lost their way or lost sight of their path. This can be a message that comes to you when you may be walking through darkness or feel that the path to your mission or destiny is not clear. The Great Horned Owl may have come to you to let you know there is a way for you to be guided through an Inner Light. The message may also mean that the path is clear but you have to tap in to your psychic gifts and abilities to walk it more clearly. A Divine ally you have been sent to help guide you on your way and let you know you are not alone.

Similarly, the Great Horned Owl can be coming to give you a wake up call. Sometimes we may find ourselves at a crossroads and not be fully aware of it. You have been blessed that this great creature has come to you to show you that there is something that needs attending to. Perhaps a choice to go one direction or the other.

A Spiritual Teacher

The Great Horned Owl may have come to offer itself as a Teacher to you on a specific path. Those with a soul mission that involves extra sensory hearing or clairaudience, astral travel and seemingly prophetic dreams may have the Great Horned Owl as a Spirit Animal. These individuals may find themselves in the presence of the Great Horned Owl many times over their life.

One may find that as they deepen into their Awakening process that the Great Horned Owl shows up in their life with ever more frequency. People with these types of gifts may need or desire a teacher. But the nature of their gifts can make it difficult to find a Spiritual Teacher who can guide them. People with these gifts may find that it is difficult to find a teacher who can be trusted in guiding them on this very mysterious path. Sometimes these individual’s who possess specific abilities may need to be guided by something other than is human, at least for a time. This is a great spiritual gift this person is being offered in that case.

Someone You Can Trust

The person who resonates with this is being offered to be taught in the ways of their gifts directly from Divine Source. That doesn’t mean don’t reach out to others for help on your Spiritual Path. Rather, this is a call to embrace that Divine Gifts can also be Divinely guided. If you’ve found yourself coming up short when seeking a teacher but are then offered the Gift of the Great Horned Owl’s presence, be of a place of Power and know your teacher has been shown. Perhaps this is the answer to your prayers.

What Now?

This article is a highly Spiritual perspective on the Great Horned Owl and why it may have been making itself known to you. Every individual is different, and this animal sign is complex. This perspective is offered as only as a small fraction of the deep and insightful energy that is accompanied with the Great Horned Owl.

Please check back for additional information on what the Great Horned Owl could be trying to tell you! Be brave and continue to seek information and listen to the Spirit that guides you.

If you would like personalized guidance surrounding the meaning of the Great Horned Owl in your life, I would be honored to work with you!


Advice and Guidance for the Clairaudient Medium