Advice and Guidance for the Clairaudient Medium

There is a lot of advice out there for those who think they may be, or know they are clairaudient. A lot of this guidance has to do with meditation. I am all here for meditation. I think it is an extremely important part of psychic development and spiritual health. But what about all the other stuff that comes with being a clairaudient person? The stuff you keep hearing, the stuff you keep sensing, the stuff that meditation isn’t clearing. This article is here to give you some alternative guidance that will help you develop your abilities and assist you in protecting your energy and space.

Accessing your mind with deep meditation is an exploration of your psyche. Here in your inner exploration you may notice some cobwebs and things that need to be cleared out. Clearing these things from your mind helps you to have a clean slate to hear the secret whispers of the universe. This is a wonderfully powerful experience. Many things we learn on the path to know and harness our psychic gifts are like these meditative experiences - Ephemeral, mystical and living in spaces only we can access. But in our 3D living spaces there are all kinds of things going on too. Real cobwebs with real spiders! And all manner of other things. All things that make noise.

I am mostly here to talk with you about your living space. It is absolutely, vitally important that any person living with the gift of clairaudience get in touch with their surroundings. Sometimes living with clairaudient abilities can feel a bit crazy, a bit unbalanced. The way to counteract this feeling is to fully get to know the space in which you live and all of its sounds, all of its unique quirks, all the things that aren’t really ghosts. This will prepare you for when you do have real encounters and experiences with information and communication that happens just outside of most people’s perceptions.

Before we go any further there are 2 things we must address. #1 is fear and #2 is disappointment.

Being clairaudient has mostly to do with hearing things that are coming from people who are no longer living. Being clairaudient may also mean that you hear, perceive or are in communication with other energetic beings or entities. Because of these things it is common and normal for people to be afraid or fearful of these experiences. It is important to remember and stay grounded in the fact that these experiences can not harm you in a physical way. Often times when we become fearful or something scary triggers a fear response in our mind our body automatically goes into self preservation mode, as if you were under a physical attack. When you are in your home or the place you live, there should be nothing there that can physically harm you. In this enviornment, that you know to be physically safe, I encourage you to push beyond this fear. To investigate the source of what your are hearing or sensing. Follow your intuition and engage your clairaudience to find the source. What you find at the end of your search may not be what you expected.

For example, there was something that was causing me to be uneasy and agitated some days while I was at home. I started seeing strange shadows close to the ground at night but I could see nothing causing this shadow to occur. I started to also hear some strange sounds, nothing discernable but light and low vibrations. The type of vibrations one might pick up if there was a lower energy being present. During the course of my investigating I started noticing these senses I was picking up on and phenomena seemed to come on in accordance with the moon phases, peaking at the full moon. There could only be one cause, right? Right?! Witchcraft and psychic attack. Psychic attack can be an occupational hazard after all. Well just as I was about to resign myself to the conclusion of some darker force being at work in my home, I noticed the most mystical popping sounds. Like cartoon bubbles popping in my backyard in the dead of night on a full moon. I swallowed my fear and walked right up to that sound. And it was worms. Regular, garden earthworms. Granted there were about a million of them, and as the night wore on the ENTIRE lawn was covered with them.

These sounds I heard just seemed like they were not coming from this realm of existence. The reason I couldn’t see that it was a giant earthworm pulling a big chunk of leaf down its hole when I went to check on that weird shadow? Worms can sense the vibration of footsteps and was long gone by the time I got there. Why was it happening on the full moon? Just like with many other earth creatures, the worms are guided by the energy of the Moon. It was only by chance that this bubble sound was coming from the garden where there was a rock wall blocking the vibrations of my feet the night I finally saw the worms in action, dispelling the illusion that these eerie vibrations and shadows were due to some kind witchcraft, spell work or psychic attack.

These types of things will happen to you. There will be natural phenomena around you the same way there is also at times paranormal activity around you. I personally equate these experiences to a sort of personal test. A test of discernment. While what you hear sometimes may have a perfectly logical explanation, it is also a time where perhaps you are being tested by Spirit, your Higher Guides and your Higher Self. A test to see if you are grounded and prepared to move on to further psychic development, the kind that comes from your Guides teaching you. Just like they were teaching me with the worms. Which leads us to our next topic to address.

Disappointment. It’s hard for some to imagine that a logical explanation to some spooky paranormal activity would cause disappointment. Maybe the sense of disappointment can even be a bit of a shock to ourselves. But it does happen, even when it also comes with a sense of relief. Many people who have extrasensory abilities are sensing things so strongly and clearly that other people do not. Sometimes that leads us to, deep down at least, really want some concrete proof that what we are experiencing is not of this reality. And for others to be able to see that too. So when we are really honing in on this odd experience we are having just to have it turn out to be a worm, or a mouse, or anything else natural and explainable we can have a feeling of disappointment. I ask you, be honest with yourself. Do not let this stop you from investigating what is the source of what you are experiencing. Do not be afraid that if you find what you are hearing is not from a source beyond the 3D that it will prove you are not a person who has abilities or psychic gifts. To be a good psychic or to harness and manage your abilities you must not be afraid you will be disproven from your own efforts to truly see and hear what is out there.

To live in illusion will be crazy making. Part of learning to discern is being honest with yourself and being open to whatever the answer is to what is going on around you. And there will be times you will not be disappointed by what you find. There will be many times it will be just as mystical and mind-blowing as could be imagined. But it is important to discern the times it is not. This is the only way to learn to hear what is real, really beyond this plane of existence. You learn to hear it by being able to identify all the little sounds around you. When you identify them, you can tune them out. Just acknowledging the natural or organic sounds around you can be enough to “turn them off”. You will gradually then learn the sounds that aren’t exactly organic or natural and you will be able to further explore that special space where information is sent and received.

So, why is this so important? Well, it shows how clairaudience is a subtle psychic ability, subtle because many of the true clairaudient messages and experiences we have are easily interrupted by a very naturally loud and modern world. Have you ever wondered why in ancient history it seemed the common man was so much more in touch with the spiritual world? I believe that one of the reasons was because the world was so much more quiet back then! In these modern times, when we try to tap in to our psychic senses, we now have to contend with not only natural sources of noise, but also with cars and machinery, a myriad of electronic devices and confusing internet signals being sent between all kinds of sources on a constant basis. Acknowledging and honoring these facts is one of the most important things you as a clairaudient person can do for yourself. It is also a skill you must learn for yourself in order to help another with your gifts or to assess another person’s home or energetic space. Because there may be times when you use your gifts to help yourself or another.

Because there will be times in life when things like witchcraft and dark magic are present. In fact, when those types of energies and magic are at play it is likely some of these other, more natural noises are at play too. This is because some of these types of energies or entities actually need that surrounding natural noise to go undetected. Although the natural background noise you hear is for the most part organic, that does not mean those sounds cannot cause chaos. If an envirnment is naturally loud, chaotic and a bit spooky, any entity does not have to do much to push the situation into a fearful mess (although what it had to add to the equation may be minimal). There are also times in your life where because your energy and your special gifts shine so brightly a wayward, unruly spirit may cross your path. It is important to know your real world surroundings and its noises when it is peaceful and organically loud. This way when an unwelcome guest in spirit or energy enters your space you will know and you can then address it and remove it.

There is also a lighter, unseen magic here at work. And that is the magic of the natural world. By knowing your energetic space and what is natural and what is not this also opens you to seeing the Divine’s work in your life. Although some of the things you experience may turn out to be highly logical and organic they also may be highly rare or unlikely. I have never had so many worms and ones that act the way they do here anywhere else I have ever lived. The worm thing also coincidentally started happening during my first Awakening. This was probably not a coincidence. Rather, this was likely a synchronicity and Spirit speaking to me about how to learn to be discerning with my GIFT of clairaudience. Let your surroundings speak magic to you too.


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