Channeled Message From Sirian Light Beings
This is a channeled message from a race of light beings from the star Sirius. It was specified that this information or download was coming from Sirius A. If you feel you are a Sirian Starseed or Light Worker, or are just interested in channeled messages from the vast Universe, you may find this channeling to be helpful or activating. Thank you for reading.
I channel these messages just as they are transmitted to me. This channeling does have to do with the Corona Virus Pandemic and the response to the virus with the rollout of the Covid-19 Vaccine.
Please be advised that there is a war going on within your homeland, in your hometown, the place you once grew up and also the place you live now. It has to do with bringing up information that was once hidden from view. It could be said that it was even hidden in plain sight. That being said, we begin to understand and explain to you that there is no need for fear. However, there is a need to be vigilant and to be brave with coming out and standing for your rights as a human citizen, not just as a citizen of any one nation.
There is a way to complete this course of action that would grant a greater period of refinement in the process of vetting the programming that goes in to creating such practices or healing, as it were. There may even have been ways that could compare but were shot down by the embassy and nations where arms weren’t needed. This lead to an outcry from the peoples that were nearest to the fallout. Their actions were not granted but further destroyed family farms and regions where livestock was grown and raised. Farms where people’s livelihood was tied and bound. This was where there was such great disaster that it caused a complete shutdown of production in the genre of output they specialized in.
Now, on to the matter of declining health in America. There is an outpouring of knowledge and also grandeur that comes with rolling out such a massive plan. It takes months and years to plan for such an action but there has not been time for this. So we say that when you go to get the vaccine there may be bumps in the road or in the process to procuring this for yourselves. There may even be anarchy in the lines or in the buildings where you go to have it administered. There is a lot going on there and there is also a massive number of employees who are unable to come to work, leaving the job up to those who can do it. There is a need for help in this sector. And furthermore, there is a lack of education to those who are entering into this field of study. There could be time lengths shortened to get these degrees or qualifications to administer such drugs and treatment and there will be some who fall through the cracks. They will go on to inform their bosses that they cannot do this work. This treatment of employees will become a burden to the state and to the others who employ them. Chances are, they will grow weary of needing to vet information before hire.
Continuing on to the next year, there will be a time when plenty of people will come forward and disregard the need for vaccinations. They will say that there is enough immunity and that the vaccine shortage is not really a problem because of this. There will be wrong doing in making statements like this because it is not the actual truth. There needs to be a plan put in place to get the vaccines to the people who need them without making it sound like there may be no need to get one at all. There is altogether a need to plan ahead for these types of situations.
What you can do is speak with your representatives to have them call for greater continuity in planning for these types of mass rollout actions. More planning and unity in how these things are handled and how they are described to the people who will need to receive them. There has been greater damage done in the areas of the general population trusting what the government says or does than has been previously thought. People are making up their minds to do so as they see fit and almost have an aversion to listening to any kind of public health officials on how to move forward as you continue to deal with this virus.
What we know is there is an outcome that advances medical science. There is a great deal to learn from this. There is a time and place for political arguments or judgements but this time now is the time for science and facts. There is no room for errors or for propaganda. However, this continues to be part of the narrative of the people’s health.
What we say to you is to stay safe. To err on the side of judgement. To make plans much ahead of time to combat any illness that may come up because there will be long lines and health providers will be taxed with making systems for treating all patients, not just patients with the virus. This will slow down any healthcare that is needed, by any person.
We want to make clear that there is a time where this will become outdated. There will be a treatment that is healthy and obtainable. And you as the people will have to plan to see this come to fruition. There is a plan now but there will also be a plan later. You will need to listen for the opportunities to seek help when you can.
Please be well and know there are seekers out there, just like you, who come to great conclusions by tuning into guidance such as this. Expand your mind and know there is a plan for you. We can help when the people listen and when you listen to your “Higher Guidance”.
Try to take heart now and don’t become too down. We know this is difficult on a people who are so social such as you are. There will be time to play again. But now is the time to plan.
We wish you well and watch out for your kind from here. Please know this.
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