Helpful Crystals for Ascension in February 2021
With so many wonderful crystals out there to choose from, it can be a daunting task to pick out stones that are best for assisting you on your journey at this (current) time. We have all been there, with a concise list of spiritual or physical ailments we would like metaphysical help with only to become overwhelmed with all the options we find. And let’s be honest, every one of us is likely to throw in a stone (or 5) that we found that promises to help with a few things that weren’t even on the list. Below is a short update on some of the energetic happenings in the ethers and a list of 3 crystals that can assist you on your Ascension Journey in February 2021. You may even already own one or more of the stones on the list!
Based on the selected crystals, protection is a big energetic theme for February. Protection can come in many forms. The first crystal on the list, Sardonxy, is even said to be able to prevent crime when gridded around your property. Protection may also indicate spiritual protection. As we all move towards Global Ascension, there will be times when you may feel like you are leaking energy or we might become aware of an energetic hook or cord to something that is unhealthy attached to your aura or auric field. It’s also likely that many people will find themselves in unsympathetic or toxic environments from time to time. These things are all normal and they happen all the time. As we all continue to Ascend these things might happen more frequently, over time. The exciting thing about being presented with the need to protect yourself is you are also being given a great and practical opportunity to practice and use the tools you have learned thus far. Sometimes we learn so much on the spiritual journey that it is actually nice to be given a reminder of all there is to choose from in our spiritual arsenal.
Another main theme for February’s energy is grounding and anchoring with an underlying promise of incoming connections with other Starseeds and Lightworkers! With all the heady, information heavy energy of the beginning of 2021, grounding and stability are highlighted. You may feel like redecorating your room or office. You may feel called to perfect an area that you deem your “sacred space”. February 2021 is a time to focus internally and integrate the huge lessons of 2020. This makes it only natural that you may begin to let your authenticity show through your surroundings. While each of us continues to grow and integrate through all the changes of the last year, and the last several years, each of us begins to shine even more brightly. It appears that our light will begin to attract more light, through other people.
At this time there may only be a glimmer of this light coming in for many. However, all the emphasis on a grounded and stable place for integration can only indicate a big shake up energetically over the course of the next several months. While there is much focus on grounding there is also a tremendous emphasis on the increase of psychic ability, sensitivities, intuition and even the recall of past lives. The hard work each soul has put into Ascension, day in and day out, is causing the beginning of a big level up in humanity.
I have composed this list of healing crystals with the help of Spirit to assist individuals with a variety of Ascension Symptoms specific to this time. Read on to see if one or more of these crystals sound like just what you need, now.
SARDONYX: Sardonyx is a great stone to choose if you are searching for your Soul Tribe or Soul Family as it attracts friendship. The stone also strengthens character, allowing your true, authentic self and light to shine through. Many people will relate that it can be difficult to find others who are aligned with your path and mission. The current pandemic has made it difficult for people to come together in person. Just as everyone else, those on the Ascension Path are searching for ways to come together with their community. Sardonyx can help your personality and light have more reach, extending to those who are aligned with your vibration through whatever means possible, even through the internet!
Sardonxy is also a helpful stone for stamina, vigor and suppliments willpower. Perfect for anyone who is trying to kick a bad habit in the New Year. Sardonyx can assist you with sticking to plans and goals and give you that extra boost to achieve. It also helps to alleviate hesitancy and improves perception making it a good match for anyone who is in a creative career field or for anyone who is an entrepreneur.
Sardonyx is particularly helpful for processing information. February will be a month filled with revelations and incoming information from every angle. At times this information dump can become overwhelming or be challenging. There are many changing perceptions going on within ourselves as well as in the general Collective Consciousness. Sardonyx may also assist in integrating the processed information.
In February many people will strongly feel their security needs. Many will sense in the first few months of 2021 a general feeling of unrest and fear from the Collective at large. Sardonyx is a powerful stone of protection and when gridded around the home can even prevent property crime. It also strengthens the immune system making it a strong protector in more ways than one. The stone is particularly powerful when worn or placed on the stomach.
SMOKEY QUARTZ: Smokey Quartz is a staple for any crystal collection. Smokey Quartz is another powerful stone of protection. It is easily found in crystal shops and is an excellent affordable healing stone. In some areas you may even be able to find your own Smokey Quartz in the wild!
Smokey Quartz assists with grounding and anchoring, a welcome helper on the Ascension Journey that at times can cause feelings of being ungrounded or not being anchored in this 3D reality. Smokey Quartz is a stone that is strongly tied to the earth and the base chakra. The stone can also be used as an antidote for stress and can assist with tolerating difficult times.
Smokey Quartz gently nuetralizes negative vibrations, making it an alternative for stones such as black tourmaline which also assists with removing negativity from your space. Smokey Quartz also assists with detoxification and absorbs electromagnetic smog. This crystal is also a powerful tool for sleep. Smokey Quartz can alleviate nightmares and encourage manifestation of positive dreams making it a friend to those who astral travel or for others who struggle with finding peaceful rest.
Smokey Quartz’s healing properties include relieving physical pain and headaches. A sense of pressure and headaches are common Ascension Symptoms at this stage of the planetary Ascension process. Other areas of the body that benefit from Smokey Quartz are the abdomen, the reproductive system and muscle and nerve tissue. The stone can also help to regulate fluids in the body.
Labradorite: Labradorite is known as a bringer of light. The stone raises vibrations and connects us with universal energies making it a good choice for those of you who are doing work with the Collective Consciousness. Labradorite provides necessary psychic protection for this type of energetic work. It provides a barrier so that unwanted or unwelcome energies do not become attached to your auric field. The stone also prevents energy leakage.
Labradorite is a stone of esoteric knowledge making it a friendly and powerful teacher for those who are delving into esoteric or occult studies and can even assist with recollection of past lives. Past lives will be getting a boost of importance during February 2021.
Labradorite raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energy. The stone can assist with finding your spiritual purpose while keeping your etheric body aligned with your physical body. The stone can banish fears and disappointments from past experiences that did not turn out as you had anticipated. Sometimes these fears or disappointments can make it difficult to try again or to regain the confidence needed to continue on your path or journey. Labradorite will give you the insight you need to gain the knowledge from your past experiences and integrate that into your reality. Labradorite will then help you leave the unhelpful negativity from those experiences behind. The stone will help you to have faith in yourself once again and help you to trust in the Universe.
Labradorite is a great stone for those who are attempting to increase their psychic or intuitive gifts. The stone can assist in bringing forth knowledge or messages from the subconscious to the conscious where the information can be processed and used for your betterment. Labradorite also removes negative projections from other people, including thought forms or “hooks” that have found their way into your aura. Labradorite is one of the most powerful protection stones for psychics and intuitives, regardless of skill level. Another must have for any collection.
Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful February! Keep up the good work.