How To Manifest Abundance Into Your Life - Alternative Ideas about how to let the Universe know you are ready to receive


Being of a high vibration is or heightening your vibration or frequency is an often talked about subject in Spirituality. Many of us have heard that what we put out comes back to us. You may have also heard that aligning yourself to abundance and prosperity will inevitably bring that energy into your life. But how does one actually go about doing this, and are there ways or rituals you can do to assist in this process? Yes! There are. I am a huge advocate for creating your own rituals or ways to bring energy to you but in this article I will also share some unique ways you can let Spirit know you would like to invite abundance and high vibrational energy into your life and into your space.

When each of us thinks about ways to give in order to receive (and also to be kind and generous in general) we think of what we can do for other people. People often do need help or generosity and the energy you give to others is not wasted. However, you can also give to nature and the earth. Many years ago I started to feed the birds in my garden. This is something I started doing because I like the birds, but also something in my instinctive and intuitive nature was calling me to begin this practice. Over time I began to realize I was creating my own, personal ritual to give thanks for the blessings in my life and to share these blessings with the other beings how cohabitate with me on my land. Every pay day the first thing I buy is food for the birds. Then I take care of my own needs.

This practice has helped me to bring abundance into my life in many ways. It is always magical experiencing the ways Spirit returns the energy of generosity back to you. Did the birds bring me cash in beak and drop it at the birdfeeder? No. But what did happen is I began getting more birds at the feeder. Different birds I hadn’t seen before. The birds are always there, happily allowing me to observe them and their behavior. After some time they even began to show me their bird secrets. The way the communicate with other birds in their own genus, then the way they interact with birds outside of their species and even with other animals. With each day I am blessed to learn more about their ways and I began to understand and learn the Spiritual messages the birds carry with them on their wings. I began to share these lessons with other people, for free, and this has led me to material abundance. The lessons the birds have taught me also contributes to my overall understanding of the nature of Spirit which too continues to bring material abundance to my life. I am also thankful for the ritual practice of feeding the birds and giving them fresh water which has become a part of my Spiritual Practice and keeps me balanced. I may have not anticipates these outcomes to my actions but they were given to me in a mystical and special way which will always remain near and dear to my heart.

If you are doing the more common practices of using the laws of attraction or bringing abundance into your life but are looking for something different to try, you may consider doing something kind and generous for animals and nature. You too can feed and water the birds who visit your space, or you can do other activities to be helpful and kind to Mother Nature. You may consider picking up trash you find when you go for a walk or hike. It may seem surprising but I find that actions like these bring in abundance to your life quite quickly. The Earth is in a great time of need now and every little bit counts. Before you know it these practices will likely become a second nature to you and you will effortlessly bring abundance and high vibrational frequencies to you. After some time of doing helpful things for the Earth you may begin to notice Nature Spirits almost waiting for you anytime you venture out to commune with nature.

Another practice you may be interested in trying is lighting incense. I find that lighting incense outside as an offering to Spirit is a great way to encourage abundance to enter your life. Much like feeding the birds, lighting incense and giving the sacred smoke up to the sky around your property is akin to giving an offering to Spirit. Our prayers and desires can ride on this sacred smoke up to the heavens to be received. Of course, it is advised to light the incense in a fire safe container where it will not be able to ignite a fire.

Taking care of your lawn and the land you live on is a great way to let Spirit know you are prepared for more abundance to enter your life. Sometimes when we feel we are not receiving the blessings or abundance we desire is because we may not be doing everything we can to show appreciation for the abundance that is already in our life, such as your home or land. By showing extra love and care for your space outside (as well as inside) this sends a message to Spirit that we appreciate and acknowledge the wealth we currently have. It also shows Spirit that you are a good steward of the abundance bestowed upon you, no matter how big or small. Another benefit to this practice is it instantly brings a higher vibrational energy to your space. You benefit directly from the energy being more free and clear in your space and the care you take when watering the plants, mowing the lawn, etc. will be held in your land and emanate from it.

On the note of being a good steward of the wealth you currently have, it is good practice to ensure you know where your money is currently going. Do you have an old bank account open from another time in your life that you no longer need that is tying you to an old story about your material abundance? Or did you sign up for a subscription service in the past when it was on sale for $5 but now it is renewing annually at full price that is much, much higher? If so, the message you may be unknowingly sending Spirit about your material abundance is that you may not be making the effort to be fully aware of where the abundance you do have is going. Now, we all won’t have the ability to pay off every loan, every bill from our past in one fell swoop. And that’s ok! It is more about showing Spirit and the Universe that you are aware of your abundance and where it goes and when it changes. When you have a good understanding and ability to keep track of and acknowledge your financial situation the Universe is willing to bring more money into your life.

These are just a few ideas about how to call abundance and prosperity into your life. There are many others. Be creative, use your imagination and tune into the energy of your space and the current energy of your abundance. This will allow you to get a better view of where you can add a little magic just from being kind, generous and responsible and see the various ways this is paid back to you over the next few weeks!


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