Spiritual Meaning Of Seeing A Woodpecker - What Does The Woodpecker symbolize?
Unsurprisingly, the Woodpecker symbolizes following the beat of your inner drum. What might come as a surprise is that when the Woodpecker Spirit Messenger enters your life it is likely to be a time when you may be struggling to know what direction or action to take. While it is easy to say “just follow the beat of your own drum”, doing that can be much more daunting and intense than the phrase would imply. That is one of the things that makes the Woodpecker Spirit Messenger so special. We may not always have the support of our 3D partners, friends, family and community as we continue to embark on our individual spiritual journeys. Many times we will be blessed with support. However, there may come times when it is hard for others to understand our ideas or our motivations for what we must do to further our spiritual development and growth.
If you happen to see a Woodpecker at any time of the year and also happen to be going through a time where you are feeling less supported than you would like, take heart. Spirit is indeed sending you a Spiritual Friend, if you will, to encourage you to continue on through the struggles and to help you feel less alone. The Woodpecker can be seen as a placeholder of sorts, promising a time when you will again connect with those who are aligned with your being. Many times you will mend fences with those who became unaligned with your journey at some juncture. At other times these endings will be permanent. Either way, the underlying meaning of your interaction with the Woodpecker could be to comfort you. You may be being reminded that this time of heartache or any loneliness is just temporary.
The Woodpecker is also certainly encouraging you to follow your Soul’s calling. It is always nice to have someone cheering you on, or like a drummer, keeping the beat for the band. Even if you have ample support from friends and family, sometimes we may be called to do something of a spiritual nature, or to really put ourselves out there on display and that can be scary. It can feel even more terrifying when you think of being out there on that stage alone. Spirit is here to tell you “You are not alone in this. Your guides are here with you”. Keep calm and listen to the beat.
Seeing a Woodpecker in Winter
If you see a Woodpecker in the fall and winter months, it is likely the symbolism refers to others looking for you. Oftentimes, when I see the Woodpecker in winter it seems apparent this guide is making himself incredibly visible. With his bright red cap and contrasting black accents, made all the more striking by the contrasting winter landscape, the Woodpecker shows himself to us and surely others nearby who may be watching. There are times on the spiritual journey where it seems the wisest thing to do is go with the flow and not attract too much attention. Sometimes we may adopt this demeanor for far longer than is necessary for our development. If you’ve seen the Woodpecker in winter, Spirit could be trying to tell you that now is not the time to hide your light under a bushel. Although it can make us feel vulnerable to be seen, and at times being seen can make us more than FEEL vulnerable, sometimes the reason or goal is worth the risk. It is only by showing our true light and genuine authenticity (while using discernment) that others will see this and get the message. This spiritual messenger could be saying to you “this leads to a new, open doorway for connection”. It could be the harbinger of the next step on your path being shown to you. You may even find yourself down the line being an inspiring teacher, advocate or guide for others.
During the winter months, lone Woodpeckers are known to join a band of roving smaller birds, such as chickadees and nuthatches. Winter is a special time of year for this Spirit Animal. It can be a sign of coming together with community to form effective connections and supports, although each member may differ in ways. This is a sign of coming together with a chosen Soul Tribe or family. The Woodpecker could be symbolizing that, with some work, there is an opportunity to meet with likeminded individuals. Perhaps it indicates a time where your Soul’s Mission will be intertwined with other Lightworkers or Starseeds towards a unified vision.
Seeing the Woodpecker in Spring
If you see the Woodpecker in the Spring the spiritual meaning of the interaction is likely to do with social aspects of your life. It is helpful to take note of what the Woodpecker is doing at the time you see it to further interpret the message. Were there other Woodpeckers nearby? Often times the Woodpecker can put on quite the show of drumming and dancing while wooing a mate. Perhaps Spirit is trying to tell you that you may be ready for new love in your life. Perhaps there is someone new entering your life or new opportunities that lead you to meeting new people.
Downy Woodpecker
If you observe many male Woodpeckers in a small area it could indicate tense emotions, conflict in a relationship or a power struggle in your life. The Woodpecker is territorial during mating season and competes for the attention and affection of the female. Like many birds, the Woodpecker will make a display of being dominant by battling with other males. This could also be symbolic of hierarchy at your place of work. In these instances, it is likely Spirit is sending you a message of strength and determination in the face of competition or conflict.
The Woodpecker is a very grounded and earth-oriented Spirit Animal. In the spring and summer months it is easy to observe the Woodpecker taking advantage of the natural abundance of earth that sustains its lifeforce. The Woodpecker is highly dependent on trees for sustenance, eating bugs from the bark and sometimes eating the sap of certain trees. If you are observing a Woodpecker eating in a tree, Spirit could be sending you the message that everything you need to sustain yourself and your spiritual health could be contained in the earth. Perhaps it is time to reconnect with nature and her life-giving resources. You may feel silly doing it at first, but why not go ahead and hug a tree? This is a powerful way to ground your energy and connect with Mother Earth. You may even feel your energy is revived or renewed after doing such a practice. There are many other ways to connect with the life source energy of earth. Choose one that calls to you and give it a try. This might be just what you need to get your energy flowing in the right direction.
Woodpeckers come in different colors, like this yellow Flicker. Take note of prominent colors and patterns for insight to deeper significance!
The Woodpecker is also dependent on trees for its home and shelter. However, it is also highly common to encounter a Woodpecker trying to drill a hole into your home or garage during the spring and summer. Sometimes you might even be awoken by the metallic rattle and vibration of a Woodpecker trying to bore through metal. If you observe the Woodpecker trying to bore into metal or some other material that is quite unnatural the spiritual significance may be that you are trying to build your foundation or stability in a place where it will not flourish. If you observe the Woodpecker trying to make its home in the exterior walls of a house, the spiritual message may be that you are encouraged to think about where you are building your stability and abundance. It is it in an area where your foundation or footing may be uprooted by another? Is what you are working on being built in an area that is already claimed by another?
Spirit may be trying to lead you to think of different areas of your life to build in that follows the natural flow of energy at the time. You may be being encouraged to expand on your ideas and push them into territory that is not yet “claimed” or could be thought of as “uncharted territory”. This could also be a more direct message about your home and living environment.
Are there things you can do in your home and space that bring a sense of nature and grounding to your everyday activities? The overall message is “how can I make my home or workspace a conducive environment to reach my goals in the most natural way with the least resistance”.
The Woodpecker is a complex Spirit Messenger. There may be more spiritual meanings to your interaction with this lovely creature than what is listed here. No matter what time of year you encounter this special Spirit Messenger, the Downy Woodpecker is here to assist you at an exciting time in your life! Take note of this little helpers actions, sounds and behaviors and you are sure to see the significance in your life.